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CEB currently has partnerships with several organizations and agencies in southern California, including:

The Nature Conservancy
Natural Communities Coalition
California State Parks
Crystal Cove Conservancy
Anza Borrego Foundation
Sacred Places Institute
Irvine Ranch Conservancy

Back Bay Science Center
Bolsa Chica Land Trust

UC Irvine manages three UC Natural Reserves:

San Joaquin Marsh Reserve
Burns Piñon Ridge Reserve
Steele Burnand Anza-Borrego Desert Research Center in Anza Borrego Desert State Park.

UC Irvine is also a partner in the Crystal Cove Marine Research Facility.

These projects and facilities provide opportunities for research and education in conservation biology, restoration, ecosystem services, and land management. At the core of these projects is communication and collaboration between the academic community and stewards of natural resources. For more information contact Dr. Sarah Kimball.